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Simple Ways To Save Water This Summer

Written by The Liveable Team on July 6 2022

In summer, water usage can account for as much as 50% or more of your monthly utility bill, depending on where you live. Learning how to conserve water during the hottest months not only can save you money, but it’s good for the planet. It’s doubly important to think about ways to save on water this summer.

We asked at Livable Utility billing company are aware that the important thing consumers can do to conserve water is to increase their understanding of the value of water. It’s a finite resource in many places. We don’t have an unlimited supply of water, so we all need to be very careful and deliberate in how we use it.

In addition, here’s what experts say you can do to reduce your water bill and offset rising utility costs this summer.

Fix the drips

One or two drops of water may not seem like a lot but they add up quickly. (For example, did you know that a faucet with just two drips per minute can waste 105 gallons of water a year!) Stress the importance to your family of how to properly turn off faucets so they don’t drip. If your sink or shower is constantly dripping, even a little, it’s in your best interest to spend the time fixing it or call a plumber to do the repair.

Cover Your Pool

If you own a pool, make sure to cover it even in the summertime. Leaving your pool open leads to water evaporation, which results in filling up your pool more often.

Layer Your Mulch

Apply a thick layer of bark mulch to your trees, shrubs, and gardens to help retain moisture and limit the need to water your greenery as often.

Control Your Sprinkler

When using a sprinkler for your lawn, make sure it isn’t spraying your house, driveway, or walkway and is truly watering your lawn. More so, you can install a timer on your sprinkler to help you time track your water activities so that you don’t waste water. And, when cleaning your driveway and walkways, you can conserve water by using a push broom instead of the hose. If you are in California and experiencing the recent water restriction regulations we have another article on that for you – check it out here.

Rinse Fresh Produce In A Bowl

After bringing your fresh produce home from the store, rinse them in a bowl of water instead of running water. This way you can repurpose the water for your plants and garden when you are done.

Avoid Washing Every Dish By Hand

Avoid washing your dishes by hand. You could save up to 20 gallons of water by using your dishwasher, just remember to only run the appliance when it is full.

Buy Recycled Products

Purchase recycled products when you can, they use less water and energy to make. Look for the 100% Recycled label when shopping for disposables.

RUBS (Ratio Utility Billing System)

At its core, energy conservation is the practice of using less energy to lower costs and reduce environmental impact. This can mean using less electricity, gas, or any other form of energy that you get from your utility and pay for. With finite energy resources available on our planet, actively conserving energy when possible is beneficial individually and to our larger energy systems. And this is achievable with the ratio utility billing system which helps to monitor the usage of utilities in your properties.

The gospel of conservation can be easily conveyed with the Ratio Utility billing system. Conservation means more savings of energy and more money.

Written with love by the Livable Content Team. “Simple Ways to Save Water This Summer.” Livable Now, 6 July 2022,

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