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Posts Tagged ‘Multifamily’

Los Angeles Apartment Completions Set to Soar

As published on the RealPage website on September 20, 2018.

Apartment completions in Los Angeles are about to soar to the highest levels in more than two decades.

More than 16,000 new apartment units are slated for completion by the end o...

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Go Mobile or Go Home

"In an increasingly digital world in which smartphones are evolving seemingly daily, it’s time for the multifamily industry to make headway on the technological front. Truly, operators' and developers' livelihoods may depend on it.

Even wh...

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How to Transfer Capital Gains to New Property

Real estate investments that appreciate over time can create a hefty tax bill at the time you sell the property. The tax -- capital gains tax -- is the difference between the adjusted cost basis of a property -- its purchase price minus the cos...

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Multifamily Money-Making 101

“The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance.”—Sun Yat-sen

Each property type has its obstacles. Retail and office have to deal with fickle tenants where huge work letters are usually required. Hotels and...

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Rent Increase for Additional Tenants!

Recently I've had a couple of property owners ask me about what they should do when they notice someone living at the property that is not on the lease. The city of LA has the following guidelines (taken directly from the city website):


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